Monday, November 28, 2011

So Long Thanksgiving, Hello Christmas!

Another holiday has come and gone and once again I did not break out the camera a single time.  I even had three chances.  We had Thanksgiving dinner at my parents' church the night before Thanksgiving. Then we had dinner with J.J.'s family and my parents on Thanksgiving day.  Then we had our church dinner last night.  In all that feasting I did not stop and think, "Hmm, this is our first Thanksgiving as a family.  Just maybe I should take a picture to commemorate this occasion".   I did stop to be thankful though.  I am not the best at reflecting or soaking in the moments.  We used to hear about "ah, ha" moments in education all the time, but those are few and far between for me.  If I was truly honest I am pretty much a live on the surface kind of person.  There were moments this past week that made me stop and think though.  I am so thankful to be a mommy.  Xavier is one fantastic little boy.  I thought about where we were a year ago and it amazes me to be here with a little boy draped across my lap telling me about "buttons" and "dogs" while I type.  So I was thankful and I am thankful and I, hopefully, will continue to be thankful.  Can you really document that with a photograph?  That sounds like a good excuse.  Now I have started off the Christmas season with a bang of success in the photography department.  Enjoy and welcome to the season of joy.
Operation Christmas Child shoe box gifts

Helping Daddy put the tree together

Best gift is already under the tree

Hanging ornaments

Helping Daddy put the angel on top of the tree

Eating a cookie after some hard work decorating

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